美國石村塊藝術協會於2021年5月獲得聯邦稅務局頒發的501 (c) (3) 免稅號碼,可以正式對外接受各種捐獻,並為捐獻者提供免稅的募捐證明。
2024年5月,翰霍普金斯大学Peabody音樂學院设立的奖学金Melodic Vision Scholarship 獲得了協會的五千美元的捐款。
2024年4月, 協會榮譽頒發首屆「回饋獎」五千美金給來自約翰霍普金斯大學皮博迪音樂學院的盲人青年鋼琴家劉浩。「回饋獎」旨在鼓勵和培養公民意識,激發藝術家回饋社會的行動。是家非營利組織,自創建以來的20多年來,以資助和資助者扶植的形式支持和幫助了2000餘名,面臨財務困難和成功障礙的中學生,包括受到寄養、無家可歸或父母等禁錮影響的中學生,使他們能夠上大學全免就讀!
2024年 3月,協會與普林斯頓Songbird Capital合作,為在约翰霍普金斯大学Peabody音樂學院设立的奖学金Melodic Vision Scholarship 舉辦了《光與愛》慈善藝術展和音樂會,旨在為在约翰霍普金斯大学Peabody音樂學院學習的盲人鋼琴家劉浩捐助學費。 該活動得到了美國中文媒體如世界日報,僑報和新州日報的報導。
2023年,協會通過藝術拯救空間活動,在紐約市曼哈頓的蘇荷區19 Howard Street 舉辦了石村《心流》藝術展,並與紐約感覺藝術學院合作,共同推出心流療癒藝術與音樂項目。
2024年1月13日,普林斯顿市联合卫理教堂(Princeton United Methodist Church)举办“光与爱”慈善音乐会,知名盲人钢琴家、约翰霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院优秀学生刘浩与电吉他演奏家石村一起连袂表演,包括原DCH大昌汽车公司董事长林秀槐伉俪在内的数十位华洋观众聆听了这场感人演出。
这个活动是美國石村塊藝術協會理事焦捷发起《愿景奖学金》活动的一部分,目的就是要唤起人们的爱心,这项奖学金是专门捐赠给在约翰霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院的视障学生。刘浩是其中受益者之一,他想用音乐来回馈社会,也想通过这次活动让更多的人关注并支持一下像他一样的视障学生。焦捷表示,没有音乐和艺术的生命是不完整的生命, 没有光和爱的世界,是无助的世界,活动就是用艺术和音乐唤醒人们心灵深处的那份光和爱的火花。
刘浩当天演奏了舒曼 《梦幻曲》、德彪西《月光》、王建中《彩云追月》、贝多芬 《黎明》、李斯特《爱之梦》。石村则完全是即席弹奏爵士乐风格的自创曲子,并将卖出其作品的10%捐给了这项奖学金。
Stone Chun Shi's Solo Exhibition in NYC.
Chinese-American artist Stone Chun Shi's solo exhibition was held at the Stonecube Art Gallery in the SoHo district of Manhattan, New York. This marked his first solo exhibition since his "Gong Xi Fa Cai" show at the Song Gallery in Chelsea a decade ago.
Stone Chun Shi's unique artistic language, "Stone Oil Cube," was developed in 2010. These blocks were created using a technique reminiscent of Chinese calligraphy but without the use of traditional characters. Instead, Stone Chun Shi expressed his inner thoughts, spirit, and personality through this challenging method on a traditional Western canvas. The works created using this unprecedented technique were termed "Stone Oil Cubes" by the artist.
The creation of "Stone Oil Cubes" was technically demanding, requiring the artist to be deeply immersed in music and focused to enter the painting process. Once in this state, the artist could
transcend the constraints of time and space, achieving an optimal state of consciousness known as "flow," a concept described by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. This state of ordered consciousness, or flow, was the antidote to chaotic consciousness, providing an optimal experience where the artist's orderly awareness helped manage and shape their creative process."Stone Oil Cubes" was an external artistic manifestation of the flow state. In this state, the artist created using tens of thousands of colorful calligraphic strokes to depict imagined figures and landscapes with perfection.
The exhibition, curated by Sonia Hu and Yang Min, ran from June 30 to August 30. The gallery was located at 19 Howard Street in the SoHo district of Manhattan, New York.
Art Saves Space: Empowering Artists and Transforming Communities.
Art Saves Space, led by visionary artist Stone Chun Shi, is a charitable initiative dedicated to repurposing vacant commercial spaces in New York City into dynamic exhibition venues for artists. Organized and operated by the Stonecube Art Association (SCAA), this project provides artists with free exhibition spaces, encouraging their active participation in transforming these spaces into vibrant art showcases.
SCAA covers all necessary cleaning expenses and does not charge artists any fees or commissions on artwork sales. The initiative calls on property owners and businesses to contribute vacant spaces and donations to support this transformative project. By joining forces, Art Saves Space aims to empower artists, revitalize communities, and foster a flourishing artistic landscape throughout the city.